Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Field Trip: Next Levl

Last Thursday the Science Olympiad team had a field trip to Next Levl trampoline park. After many, many weeks of studying and experimenting, their coach decided they needed a break by doing something physical. Since it is one of their last field trips as a fifth grader, the duo asked if I would go with them, and I readily said yes. Yes, absolutely. There were two other moms there, and we were all a little bummed that our kiddos are headed to different places next year, meaning that we won't be hanging out as much in the future.

Instead of bemoaning that point, we decided to enjoy a day of bouncing, followed by a delicious Chick-Fil-A lunch. (Coincidentally, our school also had a spirit night fundraiser later that night at CFA.) After 2.5 hours of nonstop bouncing, they refueled and were ready to return to school.

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