Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Yesterday morning we struck out early to spend some time outdoors playing. After a lot of screaming when we saw our neighbor's (totally and completely harmless) pet rabbit hopping around our shrubs (if the volume of those screams didn't send him diving back for the safety of his cage, I don't know what will), we settled in the play area for some swinging and fun. What could be more fun than playing with mulch? Not much, I suppose. So the new fun thing to do is to make mulch pizzas. One of our newer Elmo videos has a cooking theme, and Emeril has a cameo appearance. While mulch is being gathered, they chatter excitedly with many Emeril-isms.

If you listen closely in the below video, you will hear them say "BAM!" as they add more mulch to the pizza.

BAM! from Cathi Lindsey on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Is THAT where that exclamatory "BAM" comes from? Emeril?? I hear EVERYbody using that these days. I'm so behind the times. And hurry up with the update on Sarah & your Dad!!!