So this is the famous bunny rabbit, mentioned previously here, here and here. He (she? who knows...) belongs to our next door neighbor's grandson, Tucker. When the girls are not screaming, they shout, "Dat's TUCKER'S bunny!!!" whenever they see it.
In honor of Earth Day, I am leading (above) with a pic of the bunny eating some delicious, organic leaves.
Our property is wooded on one side, and I believe that may be of tremendous appeal to our furry friend. He hops along with total abandon and is so happy to be free. (In the interest of full disclosure, there have been numerous attempts to catch him, but he's much quicker than you might imagine.) Until he allows someone to catch him, he is having the time of his life. So much so that we have started calling him "McConaughey," after actor Matthew McConaughey and his easy-breezy lifestyle. McConaughey's (the actor, not the bunny) production company is named "Just Keep Living," and I think that encapsulates the bunny's outlook and approach to life.
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