The ideas I have stumbled onto to keep chaos at bay include the following (in no particular order):
1) Diaper/Toddler bag
When I was expecting our children, I read somewhere (I don't recall where, or I would credit) that a good way to always have supplies on hand is to restock the bag when returning from an outing versus waiting until setting out on the next one. I actually followed through with this plan, and I always replace whatever items we used. My bag weighs a lot, but I am prepared for almost any contingency.
Speaking of bags, the bag I use -- a One Step Ahead backpack -- holds everything imaginable, in duplicate (twins). My sister-in-law gave me the bag she used with her children. I used it for a couple of years and eventually replaced it (after four+ years of heavy use, the straps finally wore out) with the same brand. I would give this bag five stars. Of course, I just went to the One Step Ahead website to link to the bag, and they no longer have it. There are a few for sale on eBay, however, such as this bag here.
2) Calendars

I would be lost without my calendar(s). Organization experts advise against using more than one system, but I combine Google calendar (synced to an iPhone) and these lovely calendars. Most everyone has moved beyond paper, but I like seeing what obligations/tasks are on tap for the week. Skip got this calendar for me right after the girls were born, and I have used it to make sure milestones are recorded, etc. After being a Franklin Covey devotee for years, I moved to this calendar due to the extra space to track others' schedules, and I use mine to manage my schedule, as well as Skip's and the girls' schedules. I have seen a similar, knock-off calendar at CVS (of all places). While it is more utilitarian (it isn't available in pink or lime, for example), I think it was only $8. Or, if you wanted to do a larger calendar, on the cheap, the spiral refill (click here) is durable enough to use alone.
The momAgenda website also allows you to download and print various templates (their "printables") for free, if you sign up to receive their newsletter. I use the packing checklist for trips and sometimes (see what I mean about follow through?) use the shopping checklist.
This post is beginning to sound like a commercial for products so I am going to close.
Just one last thing, and it costs nothing:
3) We lay out clothing the night before. It makes life so much easier.
1 comment:
Enjoyed your post....I live by a calendar...
Enjoying a Saturday of blog hopping and reading all the Easter posts. Hope you will stop by for a visit.
On Sunday night I will be drawing for
Happy Easter
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