Next, we went to Target to pick up some last minute provisions for Easter. We only needed a few items so we used a regular cart that I scooped up right by the car in the parking lot. I loaded Lauren in the main basket area, and placed Gracie in the top compartment area (not sure what this part of the cart is called). One thing I know for sure is that containment equals speed.
We were making really good time in the store, and before I knew it we were over half way finished. I even found a cute knit dress for myself. At any rate, at the well-over-half-way point, Lauren suddenly announced that she needed to go "potty". This announcement was timed at the exact moment we were at the furthest point from the restrooms. I asked, "Lauren, this is really important. Do you NEED to go potty, or have you already gone?" I correctly assumed that the excitement of Target might have created an accident.
We wrapped up quickly by heading to the cashier. I had placed most of our items on the very bottom of the cart (where you might normally put a case of water or what-have-you). Some Easter goodies were there, covered by the knit dress. Also, an impulse purchase of Oreos was also down there. (Gracie LOVES them, and I kept them out of sight by placing them on top of the aforementioned knit dress.) I knew when I picked up the Oreos and there were beads of "water" on the package (let's just refer to it as water, shall we?) that there might be trouble. Lauren's accident was significant because she downed her whole cup of water that morning. I wiped the Oreos off with the knit dress and continued to put everything on the conveyor belt. When the cashier picked up the dress, she commented that it was wet, pausing to see if I wanted to get another dress. I didn't want to get into the whole "accident" discussion so I simply said, "Well, you know, it wasn't wet when I put it on the cart so we'll assume something happened on our watch."
The cashier must be a parent because she did not comment or ask anything further. Maybe she simply was relieved that she did not have to interrupt her line by retrieving a replacement dress. Either way, I was glad she didn't press further, as I did not want to say the word urine aloud. As in, "Oh, that soiled dress you're holding? That's my child's urine."
In the afternoon, we dyed Easter eggs. This is our first year to dye/decorate eggs, and the girls did a great job. There were no spills, and only two egg casualties.
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