Thursday, June 24, 2010

Camp mom

Summer continues with these activities:

1) Total rest and relaxation (Monday) following VBS at our church.

2) We scheduled a trip to the splash pad. However, Gracie had an absolute meltdown (M-E-L-T-D-O-W-N) in the parking lot so we returned home and hopped in the pool

3) Story time at the library, with this week's feature: a "Wild, Wild West" show, followed by errands to Wal-Mart and the bank.

Wild, wild west from Cathi Lindsey on Vimeo.

Hmmhmm. You betcha.

I'll leave you with one final thought on the western show. Although the temperature outside was 96 degrees, I saw a fellow mom there dressed in denim cover alls -- pants, not shorts. She's either insane, or a much better mom than I am.

4) I'm not sure you can handle this morning's activities without becoming uncontrollably jealous. We played in the pool this morning, but mostly spent our time with the sprinkler. Skip asked if I was billing Thursday's activities as "White Trash Thursday," which admittedly is both apropos and funny.

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