Monday, August 9, 2010


Today marks our humble blog's 500th post. When I logged onto blogger in November of 2007, my purpose was to post a few pictures, and I spent the next year and a half doing exactly that. I like to think of our blog as a silent movie during that time. The girls were 13 months old when this started, and we were still pressed for time in every way imaginable. We were still struggling to find time to shower, much less log onto a computer, load pics and type.

Oh, they were adorable, but very, very high maintenance. They looked like this at the time:

Oh sure, side with them. Everyone does.

Posting was infrequent and sporadic in nature. Little by little, I managed to carve out some time to post with greater frequency, and add some content here and there. What started as a way to share photos with far-flung family and friends became something more of a... dare I even say it... a scrapbook of sorts, although even that word makes me twitch a little. I'm not very crafty. Not crafty at all.

Over the past few months, since leaving the workplace, posting has become more of a hobby and a way to stay in touch. Thank you for indulging me. We appreciate you checking in and wish more of you would say hello via the comments or e-mail so that we can hear what is happening with you as well.

Have a great Monday, and thanks so much for reading.

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