Something recently tickled my funny bone, and I have been attempting to find a respectful way of discussing it here. For some levity, now seems like the time to share.
The back story is that many of our family members check in here for updates on their grandchildren/nieces/cousins, etc., on a regular basis. Then, we have wonderful friends and acquaintenances who stop by periodically. Certainly, glimpses of the girls are the big draw, and everyone is kind enough to tolerate my ramblings. Occasionally, as the map indicates, people we do not know pop by for a quick view, and that is incredibly awesome.
The reality is that this is a very small, do-it-yourself project. There's me, my computer and my camera. That's about it. So... a couple of weeks ago, I received a comment that made me giggle. It was this:
Anonymous said...
"Hey, I can't view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this."
First, this viewer is grossly overestimating my ability to "fix" anything related to the site. Second, I had not heard of Opera until I Googled it. When contemplating the aforementioned, points one and two, I couldn't help giggling and thinking, "Yes, I have my IT department working round the clock on that, and we're hoping for delivery by mid-November. That sounds incredibly sarcastic, but not at all the way I intend. See why I have been struggling on a response? Think less mean-spirited and more Chrissy Snow from "Three's Company". Remember the defining giggle+snort combination? That's my exact response.
I am very lucky, on any given day, to have a PC that isn't crippled by a virus or a wireless internet connection that has not been interrupted by squirrels who like nothing better than to vandalize the cable wires connected to our home. Therefore, the idea of "fixing my site" so that it is compatible with a browser I did not know existed is cute, amusing and just plain funny.
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