Although we now know Charlie's name is really "Blankey," Lauren and I still call him Charlie. Doing so prompts immediate correction from Gracie, and the conversation continues something like this.
Gracie: "His name is BLANKEY, not Charlie."
Lauren: "I know."
Gracie: "That's Mr. Sam's cat."
Lauren: "That's not momma's cat anymore."
Gracie: "Uh-huh. Blankey is Mr. Sam's cat."
Wow. Way to turn the knife.
Luckily the conversation gave way to play time. Gracie's favorite new game is to take her grocery cart and "go to Target," by walking to the end of the street. Needless to say, we strolled to the end of the street a few times.
A moment of kisses:
The girls also like to take their chairs and position them at the end of the drive so that they can watch the neighborhood. I think they are conflicted and undecided about whether to be ladies on the stoop or bag ladies with their carts. Either way, they pause for a break with Smarties.
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