We scaled our Halloween plans back considerably from what we had originally planned. The costumes were selected (Lauren) and purchased (Gracie's) many weeks ago so we were basically all set. Pre-Halloween, we were able to take the girls to our church's trunk or treat event. This year they had a carousel for the younger children. The degree to which my children, especially Gracie, love the carousel cannot be overstated. We rode this a few times.
Lauren wanted to be Princess Aurora, and she snagged her costume from the dress up supplies. I added a headband to make the outfit uniquely hers (ha). As the weeks ticked by, she kept dragging all sorts of Princess accoutrements to where I had the costumes hanging. I looked at her stack about a week before Halloween, and she had collected several tiaras; Princess shoes; purses; a Sleeping Beauty doll; a magic wand; and various other trinkets. I had to explain that she would not be able to schlep all of that with her on her trick or treat route.
Gracie, on the other hand, shunned the princess idea and carefully selected something on the opposite end of the spectrum, as she frequently does now. She found a Barney costume in a catalog. She tore the page out and kept it with her for days, until it finally was unrecognizable. We ordered the costume. The response that costume received was unbelievable. Barney rocked! It was so great. The entire night everyone kept calling out to her, "HEY BARNEY!!!" and she would turn and give a little wave. It was so much fun.
Eventually, her popularity sparked a little jealousy, and we had to confirm that everyone was cheering for both costumes.
We trick-or-treated the many trunks that were set up, had a snack, did the cake walk and then bid the event adieu.
On Halloween, the girls spent the day with Gran and Poppa (while we attended the funeral) and trick-or-treated in their neighborhood. I know they had a great time.
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