Sometime in August, I received an e-mail promoting the pre-sale of Disney on Ice tickets. We attend a show every now and then, and, since it had been a while since the last production, tickets were purchased. This past Saturday was the big day, and it was a huge event, in the eyes of Lauren and Gracie. HUGE. It was almost as if they were going to live with Princess Aurora in the castle.
As an aside, we have been on quite the princess theme lately, what with Lauren having a Sleeping Beauty birthday party and Halloween costume. Gracie, as I have repeated so many times, chose Barney. Therefore, Saturday morning, when we revealed our destination, Gracie immediately asked if Barney would be there.
Us: "We're going to see the princesses!!!!"
Gracie: "And Barney."
Lauren: "No, Gracie. Barney isn't going to be there today, ok? It's just princesses. Not Barney. Barney won't be there."
The delivery was all nasal-y and very busybody. We really should get her some reading glasses to have perched on the end of her nose.
Gracie recovered from the momentary let-down and enjoyed the show.
Lauren wanted all the characters to visit her seat, but settled for a wave.
Admittedly, the production quality of the show was quite good. The duration, at an hour and a half, gave the audience value for the money. Well done, Disney!
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