Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The anti-virus virus

Normally I am exceptionally careful while perusing the Internet in order to avoid viruses, and I am completely paranoid about opening e-mail from senders I do not recognize and unsolicited links. I avoid Facebook altogether because I see it primarily as a portal for viral attack.

Unfortunately I lowered my guard this week while following all of the UBL (Usama bin Laden -- by the way, when did he became "Usama," I thought it was "Osama") news, as well as the ongoing tornado coverage here in our own state. As a result, I acquired the "anti virus virus" while viewing a major news outlet's website.

My computer has been taken to the computer hospital for repair. In the meantime, I am back on the old HP that suffered significant damage shortly after purchase. This computer has not been the same since the abuse inflicted by Lauren & Gracie a couple of years ago (described here), but I am keeping an open mind.

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