Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keeping secrets

There is so much about this story that is controversial, but the most shocking aspect of the story, to me, is that there are siblings who could/would keep a newborn family member's gender a secret. 

In our house, there are no secrets.   More pointedly, the girls are not so good at the secret keeping. 

Exhibit A:

After we purchased an iPad for Skip for his birthday, Lauren informed him that his present was in a white bag with an apple on it. 

Exhibit B:

The girls commented on cousin Lexy's new brown slippers and volunteered, "We got you a new brown purse!"

Exhibit C:

Many, many, many Christmas-related slips and divulgences.   Needless to say, I shop for gifts alone now.

Maybe their indiscretion is gift-related?  Likely not.  There is no chance that they could maintain a veneer of silence upon questioning.  In fact, it would not take much prodding at all. 

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