Monday, July 11, 2011

39 Weeks

Here we are!  39 weeks!  Lindsey Baby #3 is likely more than 20 inches long and weighs an estimated 7 pounds -- at least according to online resources.  Our last two ultrasounds were performed by a newly hired employee who is very, very stingy with the information and would not offer up anything other than what was strictly ordered... so no more sneak peaks and sneak measurements. 

As an aside, does anyone remember the episode of "Friends" when Rachel was still pregnant at 41 weeks?  They were headed to one of the last OB appointments when Ross asked Rachel if she wanted to change clothes... because what she was wearing did not seem appropriate.  Don't worry; I am wearing fully appropriate clothing.  However, I am reminded of Phoebe's next line.  She jumped up, turned to Ross and said, sotto voce, "My God, man!  Don't anger it!"

Not allowing a 9 month pregnant woman to see her child's face on the sonogram screen is playing with fire. 

Am I right? 

Don't anger it. 
Anyrate.  Baby Lindsey is approximately the size of a mini watermelon, and we will check out his size for ourselves after delivery tomorrow morning!  That's great news because I peaked ahead at his stats for next week, and he would then be the size of a pumpkin. 

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