Monday, July 18, 2011

Georgie fever

In the way of a weekend update, I can only report that our family, along with the Oates and Lindsey families at large, now have Georgie fever.  We are completely in love with George.  He is a precocious scamp, that one.  He does have his days/nights reversed, and he really turns on the charm during the night hours, at which time he becomes ravenous.  We noticed Friday night that he nibbles on our faces when he is really hungry, and he also snorts a lot.  The snorting is nothing short of adorable.  We love him more than anything (with the obvious exception of his sisters).

Lauren and Gracie continue to be enthralled with him.  They love having the extra company upstairs, and they are helping with all of George's care.  I have finally gotten the hospital pics loaded and will try to get an update and some photos of the girls posted very soon.  In other Lauren and Gracie news, we sent a pic from the hospital (of Lauren & Gracie holding George) to preschool today, and I think they felt like the super big sisters they now are. 

George continues to spend his days asleep -- sound asleep.  He sleeps solidly through the cacophony of sounds the girls make, through toys being bounced off of the floor, through the constant waves of noise that comprise the background noise of our home.  Although the below pic was taken at the hospital last Friday, this is his favorite daytime pose. 

We feel confident he will (eventually) get the day/night equation right, and we look forward to seeing him grow into his very large hands and feet.  For now, though, we are enjoying our tiny monkey.  

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