Monday, July 11, 2011

A family of five

Tonight is our last night as a family of four.  We are very excited to welcome "Baby Brover" to our family tomorrow morning, but we are also a little taken aback that it is the end of an era. 

Needless to say, we have been exceptionally busy today with preparations.  On the eve of the girls' birth, I remember working until about 8:00pm and then readying the house for our departure.  Finally I got around to packing bags for the hospital at 10:00pm.  It would be tempting to think that I am fully prepared this time, and I actually have executed some things earlier this time.  For example, I finally packed a bag for the hospital at about 5:30pm.  This bag packing procrastination has  been driving everyone crazy, but I legitimately couldn't pack previously because I needed some of those essentials on a daily basis (or so I argued to concerned individuals such as Skip and my mom).  Funnily enough, though, once I packed today, I realized I probably could have done so sooner (shhh!  don't tell them!).  All of the household beds have been stripped, laundered, and re-made.  Laundry is current.  The neighborhood cats have been fed.  The girls' clothing has been planned for the next week, and instructions about their schedules distributed to grandparents.  Plus a zillion other tiny little things.  We are all set.

We have enjoyed our cozy nest of four, but we are also very excited about the new era. 

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