Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Skip took Tuesday through Friday off last week, and he took Monday and Tuesday off this week. So today was my last day with his expert organization and time management skills. (Not surprisingly, he has re-organized the entire house since we came home Friday afternoon.) He will be my driver to my appointment tomorrow to have staples removed (I am still unable to drive), but then the odds will be one against three. By tomorrow afternoon? He should not be surprised to find me locked in a closet, at the hands of our three angelic children.

We took today very easy. We finally loaded everyone in the car this afternoon to run some errands, and we got to try out the new seating arrangements, i.e., the girls in the "way back" in booster seats, George and I in the middle row, and Skip up front. I suppose he really is the driver, now that I think about it.

Otherwise, we are slowly resuming our routine. Skip returns tomorrow in a limited capacity (hours not quite so long). Lauren and Gracie have maintained their preschool and gymnastics schedules. I am going to take it easy for the next week, and then we will resume our home activities (preschool at home) next week. Of course, the girls have learned many new things over the last couple of weeks. They have learned about doctor's offices, hospitals, babies, nurses and physicians. They especially liked mommy's labor/delivery nurses who introduced them to "Baby Brover" for the first time.  This type of small touch comes as no surprise to those of you with multiple children, but I thought it was really sweet that they took so much time and care to introduce the girls to their new brother.  

Meeting George for the first time:

Such a sweet and exciting moment for them all:

They have learned all about new babies.  They have learned about belly buttons, soft spots and how babies communicate.  Finally, Gracie and Lauren have learned that George is different.  While helping change diapers, Lauren commented that George's "hiney" is different.  So we explained that girls' and boys' "hineys" are, in fact, quite different, that boy privates are called penises whereas girl privates are called vaginas.  Skip quickly amended the explanation by saying, "...But we do not use those words in public -- just at home.  We only talk about private parts at home." 

Wish us luck with discretion. 


Melanie said...

Wow - Good luck with that! I would love to come see you guys and meet George. Shoot me an E-mail when you are up to company! mcox80@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

They look SOOO serious, so attentive as the nurse talks to them. That is so sweet. Too bad they weren't doing that thing back 'in the day'. I just remember my parents coming home with some replacement of my spot as the baby girl. AWFUL introduction! And I love the hiney story. Saw this little girl on World's Funniest videos and she was crying like your nephew when he lost that birthday balloon. Turns out she was wailing b/c she'd seen her dad's 'wienie' and she didn't have one; and she was struggling mightily with her dad's apologetic explanations that she could not have one, and he could not go get her one- EVER. :-)