Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas program

Hooray for Baby Jesus!

The preschool choir began rehearsal for their program, "Hooray for Baby Jesus!" in August.  They have been practicing weekly for this event and have enjoyed learning all of the songs.  At the beginning of October, we were given a CD of the program to practice at home.  We decided to practice the songs during our morning and afternoon commute each day, and we were able to get through the program at least twice on the way to or from school, for a total of at least four times each day.  That's a whole lotta singing, and those songs are permanently burned into my brain (in a good way, of course). 

The program was the first Sunday in December, and my little point-and-shoot failed to deliver any usable pics from the event.  (My nice camera is still at the camera hospital where I am told it will likely remain until the first of the year.)  Instead, I dusted off the old video camera (that we, shamefully, rarely use) and got some great footage.  Unfortunately, I am not sure how to transfer it here. 

In the meantime, here is a shot of one of our many car rehearsals:


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