Friday, December 16, 2011


By way of update (and before I forget), we have a few more milestones to post.  (These tasks occurred between 4 - 4 1/2 months, as all photos were taken prior to Thanksgiving.)  William George is working on sitting up!  He has mastered the Boppy:

Along those lines, he regularly sits up in his chair and swing, and he can almost flail himself out of his Bumbo. 

He was very happy to finally have an official seat at the table.  Now he is holding out for actual "real" food, and he stares longingly at everyone's meals. 

He is engaging more and more.  He loves to help Gracie cook, and he grabs at their toys now.  It is the dawning of a new era:

Finally, he is about a week away from having his first tooth.  We will see how quickly he learns that teeth make for an excellent defense strategy with regard to his sisters. 

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