Thursday, December 1, 2011

When the holidays take you down

We had a great Thanksgiving, and hope yours was wonderful as well.  As William George's photo indicates, he was wiped out by the entire experience.  Illness has struck at our house so I am simply going to provide an enumeration of where we are today:

1)  I have been so, so sick.  By Friday afternoon I was not feeling especially good, and by Saturday I had a fever of 102.  By early Sunday morning, my fever was at 102.7 so trekking out to an after hours clinic Sunday afternoon became a priority.  They ruled out the flu, considered walking pneumonia and finally settled on treating me for a sinus infection.  I received two shots, medication and a giant, flask-sized container of cough syrup.  Seriously, this is the largest amount of cough syrup I have ever been given.  Even though I have been taking the cough syrup every four hours and although it contains hydrocodone, I have been so WIRED from the steroid shot that I could have re-roofed out home with my bare hands, you know, but for the illness. 

2)  My camera is in the camera hospital.  I have noticed that the quality of the pics has really declined, but I assumed that was attributable to my photographic skills (and it may just that).  The last decent photos I captured were George's two week shots.  I finally received an error message, and the entire camera shut down.  I took it by Wolf, and they have kindly sent it in for repairs.  The upside?  They are so thorough and awesome that I am sure it will be returned better than new.  The downside?  It will be in the shop for 4-6 weeks.  So... my good camera is out of commission for the holidays, but I am very thankful to have my old camera (point-and-shoot) as a back up.  Otherwise, I would be looking at the girls' cameras.  (Speaking of, that it is a post in and of itself and one that I have been meaning to write forever.  I will get to it soon.)

3)  Somehow, the girls and William George have not caught my bug so it has been business as usual for them.  The girls have their big choral event this weekend so they practiced last night and will do a full rehearsal Saturday morning.  I think there is more to this weekend (a couple of performances?), but I will get up to speed on that once my head clears from all the cough syrup.  We have piano this afternoon, and we have portraits tomorrow after school.  (Since my nice camera is on the blink, we are heading into the studio.)  We caught a break with no ballet after piano today (due to our town's Christmas parade and our studio having a float in the parade) so we will at least have a short afternoon.  The girls are too young to walk in the parade, meaning that we can have a nice, quiet evening at home. 

4)  Finally, we all reek of Lysol, and my hands are permanently damaged from excessive use of hand sanitizer.  I think "sick season" is here. 

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