Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Enumerated Update

Happy Tuesday, friends! We are enjoying spring break here and are loving having the trio at home. We are also having an eventful birthday week with our family. My mom celebrated her birthday on the 16th, but we had her dinner on the 23rd.  Our sweet cousin also celebrated her second birthday on the 23rd. My niece, the much-discussed Alexandria (LEXIE!) celebrated her 19th birthday yesterday with a birthday lunch. Finally, we celebrated Papa's birthday today with a birthday lunch as well. What a great time of singing, cake and celebration.

Other than that (which is huge!), here's the skinny:

1) Martha Stewart Living: I'm curious... why can I not find this magazine on the stands? I was concerned that the unprofitable magazine (really, this magazine is priceless no matter what its financial statements indicate) had stopped print publication, but I see that print subscriptions are still available.

Where is this magazine?

2) Digital: We are shifting our remaining print subscriptions to digital, but my iPad (The original. I may as well be reading from scrolls according to the iTunes store.) (unfortunately and at my extreme dismay) is out of the loop on future updates, rendering many magazine subscriptions unavailable. Boo to Apple for unilaterally deciding to make my device obsolete.

3) Goldfinch: Admittedly, updating has been a little sparse lately, and I would love to have a good excuse for you. But I don't.

Skip read The Goldfinch a few months ago, and I just now got around to reading it for myself. Y'all. It's incredible. A book like this only comes around maybe once per decade (which is befitting since Tartt spent eight years writing it). The last book I read that was this compelling (and I wish I could remember which one it was... maybe Infinite Jest?) was years ago. I remember getting to a point in the book where I was staying up late every night reading (like until 1am - obviously pre-children), and then reading more while I ate lunch. When I left the book at home one day, I went to my regular book store, picked up a copy and read for about 30 minutes. You know that feeling? When you cannot stop reading? These are the types of behaviors readers of The Goldfinch will experience. I haven't had a good night's sleep in days, but the book was awesome.

4) 20's: This article from The Man Repeller is smartly done. Have you ever wondered what your mother would wear if she were in her 20's today? Honestly, I haven't given it much thought, but I also haven't thought much about what I would wear if I were in my 20's today. I think the 20-something versions of both my mom and I would like the affordability of Forever 21 and stores of that ilk. However, if there's one thing I would relay to the 20 year old me, it would be to buy quality -- even if that meant buying on consignment or even in thrift stores.

Truthfully, I would probably impart other words of wisdom first, but I would get the quality over quantity advice in one way or the other.

My mom, on the other hand, preached this very notion early on. I remember her pointing out jackets and skirts that were lined and looking for certain quality with stitching. So scratch that. She might not be as keen on the disposable nature of mass market clothing. (Mom, what would you wear if you were in your 20's?)

5) Buzz: We haven't had a buzz word in a very long time. Skip has shared a couple, but I forgot to write them down. However, Grace has one for us. At school she has been at a table she shares with three boys all year long. Needless to say, she has complained bitterly about being "boy trapped". This phrase, as explained by the duo, means that she is the female minority at her table, and this has apparently been a great hardship for her. Boy trapped. I'm not sure there is much application outside of first grade, but there you go, in case it comes up.

(Good news! A female friend was assigned to her table last week. She is elated!)

And that's it for us. Please accept this caution that there will be about a thousand vacation photos on the blog tomorrow. I apologize in advance, but we all know how much I love vacay photos. (If any of you have any vacay slideshows lying around, please invite me over!)

Have a wonderful week!

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