Monday, March 31, 2014

Enumerated Update

Happy Monday, friends! In a crazy fluke of scheduling, the trio are out of school today for a teacher's workday. Do you know that feeling you have on Sunday night after a week of vacation... how you long for just one... more... day? They are experiencing that right now! Lucky ducks.

Anyhoo, here's where we are:

1) Break: When we scheduled our beach trip over a long weekend recently, we looked at taking the week of our break instead. Well, friends, they put a very high premium on that week - double the regular rate and probably four times our "special" offer.  I am determined to beat the system next year, one way or the other. I always assume everyone vacations affordably, but could it be that spring breakers just bite the bullet and pay the exorbitant rates? Am I being unreasonable?

Otherwise, and as I mentioned Friday, we loved our week. Wednesday, when the high was 48 with full sun conditions? I was in heaven. All the laziness has been very relaxing.

2) SJP: Did you happen to see the Vogue 73-questions interview with Sarah Jessica Parker?

I like the format and the ability to have information quickly, without enduring anecdotes.

3) Texting: The trio have become rather proficient at Facetiming. Last week, while I was having a conversation with my mom, Lauren taught herself how to text. Because we were talking, the reality of what she was doing didn't really sink in until my phone started pinging with texts.

And it's the beginning of a new era.

4) Uncoupling: Can we stipulate that we were not at all caught off guard by the dissolution of the Paltrow-Martin union? Beyond that, I have never been on the Gwyneth antipathy bandwagon, but girlfriend could benefit from some PR assistance to make herself a little more relatable.

5) West Wing: Last night when I couldn't sleep, I found the first season of The West Wing on Netflix. Aaron Sorkin and TWW (especially the first couple of seasons) ruined television for me. This is going to be age-revealing (because the show debuted in 1998 and ran for 5-6 seasons), but I was a huge fan. Television has not been the same since. Skip and I had a whole Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn rapport going on at work, complete with Josh's casual "Ok" in the face of calamity. (Or just his crazy hyperactivity writ large.) Think about the cliff television writing has gone over since the end of Sorkin's television career. The show was clever, impassioned and topical.

And that's it for us.  What is happening with you?

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