Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekend Update

Weekends like this past weekend are why I stopped summarizing them online. Sometimes the necessary things we do on weekends, the unwinding, and the rainy day activities we do to amuse ourselves is fun, just not always the stuff of good storytelling.

For starters, William George was sick with a virus last week, one that caused a high fever but that led to no treatable, secondary infection. He proceeded to tell us he was "VERY sick," meaning there was no feasible way he could go to school. When he was feeling better on Friday and had been without fever for well over twenty-four hours, we readied him for school. "I'm VERY sick," was his response...spoken from his hiding place underneath the dining room table.

He finally agreed to go to school, and he was much better for it because he had developed a severe case of cabin fever.

Since my mom was getting ready to move out (She has been our "roomie" since last July, following her surgery.), we had some errands Friday, exciting things like purchasing a dishwasher, buying a microwave and just generally working through a checklist for things needed at her house. She packed her things, and got ready to depart.


After that, I had a salon appointment, a rescheduling of the appointment I missed earlier due to George's illness (poor George). After my hair was resuscitated, I picked up the girls, and we came home for dinner and movie night.

Locals will know that it rained all weekend here, but not during the crucial hour of 10-11:00am Saturday morning, which is when the girls had softball practice in the mud. I thought about complaining to the coach, but then I remembered 1) Skip is the coach and fields numerous complaints from me daily and 2) the coaches do not make the schedule and/or the call to cancel for weather.

Skip rewarded the duo for the rainy day efforts with a trip to the doughnut shop.

While mud fest was occurring, William George and I worked on my closet. After the duo recovered from their muddy practice, they each nabbed a purse from one of my donate stacks, and that kept them busy for the afternoon. That's the power of a good bag.

Five of twelve bags of clothing/accessories that have been donated. 

On Sunday, we went to church, and then spent the rainy day doing various jobs around the house. We also made home made pizza to liven things up a little. (I've been using Bobby Flay's crust recipe, and Skip has declared our crust effort "perfect".) Skip got ready to go to Minnesota and inquired about the need for a jacket. When a quick check of the weather confirmed snow, he was ready to declare himself "very sick". Actually, he was ready to go; I would have lobbied for a "very sick" day.

For the rest of the week, I will be performing various tricks designed to distract the trio from their beloved Grammie's absence, while pointing out that we will still see her all the time.

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