Thursday, August 17, 2017

Imogene Austin, March 10, 1930 - August 13, 2017

We lost this lovely lady at the young age of 87 this past Sunday. She was my favorite, and she was one of my children's favorites, too. When I was two, I spent a week with her while my mom had surgery, and the big joke was my vocabulary expanded while staying with her. She inadvertently taught me my first swear word, and I used it correctly back at home when I got frustrated with a toy. She got me out of trouble by negotiating a deal in which I promised to never say the word again. It became a longstanding joke.  

Our Aunt Imogene had many talents but excelled at being a maker - sewing, knitting, crocheting, etc. She literally could make anything, and our home is proud to showcase many of her works. She had a spark in her eye, a quick laugh and broke from convention in ways that were endearing (she drove a motorcycle in the 1970's). 

She will be greatly missed.   

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