Thursday, May 6, 2010


Probably since the girls were six months old, they had a system of dividing certain toys. Sometimes there are two of each toy, sometimes they share, and sometimes they seem to divide and/or "claim" certain objects. These negotiations were more obvious once their language skills developed.

One night last week, I overheard a conversation between Lauren and Gracie. They were in bed and were supposed to be going to sleep.

Lauren: Gracie, I have momma, and you have daddy.

Gracie: ...

Lauren: Ok? Momma's mine, and daddy's yours.

Gracie: ...

Lauren: Lulu has momma, and daddy is Gracie's.

Gracie: Gracie has daddy.

Obviously, I had to clarify that we are, in fact, both of their parents. It has been an interesting observation of the power of peer influence because I am still reiterating that Gracie has both mommy AND daddy, just as Lauren does.

This exchange initially made me feel bad for Skip, but then I thought, knowing Lauren, that the motivation for her choice is probably some misguided notion that I am easier to manipulate.

PS: Happy anniversary, Skip! You will always be my first pick (or at least a close contender in a three-way tie).

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