We were slated for more bad weather Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, Saturday morning, we woke the girls, ate breakfast and immediately made our way to the park so that they could play outside before being rained in for the rest of the weekend. When Grammy arrived, we were able to head out for lunch at one of our favorite places. Afterward, we ran some errands and did a little shopping. We were in search of a new running shoe for Skip, but were unable to locate the exact type. We enjoyed a delicious yogurt treat at Yogurt Mountain instead.
Have you been to Yogurt Mountain? If so, then you're familiar with the drill. They give you a rather large cup, and you go through the yogurt aisle first. Next, you maneuver through the toppings bar. Once you have finished, you go to the register where they will weigh your cup ($.40/ounce). Yikes. It's genius for the owners, whereas it is a dangerous concept for those with a more-is-more mentality. We felt a wave of sympathy for an older lady in front of us in line with her several granddaughters. They completely crammed their cups with yogurt and every imaginable topping. I'm sure she spent $30+ dollars on a few cups of yogurt; the girls probably ate 3-4 bites and were unable to continue.
We had a big event at our church Sunday so we spent a few hours there, and then we spent the afternoon at home due to monsoon-like rains.
Speaking of the park, last week, while I was prattling on about other things, we reinstated our near-daily visits. One of our favorite new things is to have a picnic dinner there so that Skip can join in the park fun. Going to the park is the girls' absolute favorite thing to do, and we think of it as our second home -- at least our second back yard.
Due to significant wind, airplanes were flying low. Gracie's two great loves (the park and airplanes) were combined that day:
These pics were taken last Wednesday evening, on what had to be our unofficial last day of spring. We considered it our last opportunity to be out-of-doors without sweating profusely (note the long sleeves; we won't be able to wear those again until November). We will continue with our (at least) thrice weekly park visits, even when the heat is unbearable because of the smile-inducing fun (see below):
We hope you had a nice, safe, weekend as well.
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