Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Last Friday, we trekked to the pediatrician's office for the annual check-up. At that appointment and for the first time, we were given paper gowns to wear. They were not an immediate hit.

The evaluation portion of the visit went very well. Gracie measured 41 inches in height (75-95th percentile) and weighed 33.6 pounds (75th). "She's gonna be a tall girl," Dr. W said. Lauren measured 38 1/4 inches tall (50-75th percentile) and weighed 29.6 pounds (25-50th). Lauren grew two inches over the past year, putting her growth right on track.

Everything was smooth sailing until the moment we discussed the additional shots that would be performed either this year or next year. Thinking that they would be more aware next year, I opted to have them at Friday's appointment versus a year later. As awful as it was, not procrastinating was the right call. The cries of "You HURT me!!!" to the nurse were bad enough, but I could only imagine what they would be screaming/yelling when they are five. They would likely both threaten litigation.

Here is a happier moment before the shots:

They had almost recovered from the shot trauma when we were routed to lab on the way out. Having blood drawn put them right over the edge. After a good cry, they rallied, and we were able to have a nice lunch. Yes, I bribed them with french fries.

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