Wednesday, June 22, 2011

36 Weeks

The 36-week-mark has been looming heavily, as we delivered the girls at 36 weeks.  We are obviously aiming to get at least three more weeks under our belts before adding "baby brover" to the mix.  This week ushers in weekly physician appointments and weekly nonstress testing.  We underwent the NST's with the girls, due to a multiples pregnancy, and I had assumed that we would bypass the NST fun this go around.  Today, as the 20-something nurse explained, I would need to have weekly NST's from now until delivery..... due to........... advanced maternal age.

Let's think about more pleasant things, shall we?

So, at 36 weeks, Baby Lindsey #3 weighs almost six pounds and is about 18 1/2 inches long.  (For our reference, the girls, delivered at 36 weeks, weighed 4 pounds, 15 ounces  (2226 grams) each (a rarity that they weighed the same, to the gram) and were 17 1/2 inches long.)  He is approximately the size of a crenshaw melon, and he will continue to add an ounce a day.

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