Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Activities -- Wednesday

In keeping with the theme of documenting our summer routine, we'll talk about our usual Wednesdays, although they are largely a repeat of Monday.   Wednesday is a regular day at school, from 8:00 - 12:00pm, but without the added fun of being "water day".  They have arts and crafts on Wednesday, songs and playground fun. 

Wednesday has also become the day I go to the obstetrician.  After I drop the girls at school, I head to the office.  Depending on the testing and correlating wait times, I may have some time to run a couple of errands prior to picking the girls up at noon.  After pick up and our return home this afternoon, the girls had a quick nap, and then we climbed up to the table for school from 3:30 - 5:30pm. 

For some reason, Wednesday feels like a marathon, but we get a lot accomplished.  Maybe I should consider a power nap while waiting at the doctor's office? 

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