Thursday, June 2, 2011

End-of-year party 2011

Oh, hi there! We have been very quiet here because we have been incredibly busy with year-end activities last week and this week. Wrapping up the K3 year (at two schools, no less) has been crazy busy.

Since we have reached year-end, I can now confidently report that we made it through K3 without receiving any notes home from teachers. WOOHOOOO! Last year we received two notes home concerning minor behavioral concerns, but this year we have a squeaky clean record. It was a really good year.

We enjoyed the end-of-year party, and below are a few photos from that day. When I arrived, the class had had a visit from the ice cream truck. They were playing with bubbles and chalk outside and were having a great time. A few minutes later, we moved to the play ground.

Skip had traveled all week prior to this party. When he called home, Lauren asked him to come to her party when he arrived home. Luckily, he was able to take a quick lunch break and stop by for a minute. If you look carefully at the below pic, you'll see a group of boys from class surrounding him, where they are each awaiting their turn to be tossed into the air.

Gracie chilling out:

Lauren climbing high:

Enjoying her bird's eye view:

Their teacher made the most adorable scrapbook, chronicling the year by providing photos from activities, events and parties. I think they are great, of course, but the children especially loved them.

"Here I am!"

Next, it was time for a picnic lunch outside.

A fellow classmate and friend celebrated her birthday, and her celebratory cupcakes were a big hit with everyone.

Bye-bye K3... look out K4!!!

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