Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Game day

One of Skip's coworkers graciously hooked us up with a deal on some football tickets for the upcoming season. This past weekend we had four tickets so we took the opportunity to take the girls to their very first Alabama game.

In the above pic, we are en route to the game via the "Crimson Ride".

Once we arrived at the stadium, Gracie was a little anxious about the noise.  However, after we were in our seats they were very excited about seeing "Roll Tide" play.  They kept saying, "We have Roll Tide at home!"  I think they were fascinated about seeing it in person rather than on the television. 

We were very concerned about the heat (96 degrees) and sun exposure and the girls' ability to sit through the entire game under those conditions.  Accordingly, we arrived at the end of the first quarter, enjoyed the second quarter, and watched the band.  Due to cloud coverage and a strong breeze, we were able to stay until halfway through the fourth quarter. 

At the end of the day, Gracie concluded that the band was her favorite part, and she would prefer to see the game at home.  Many people would agree with her.  Lauren preferred seeing the action first hand and asked when she could go again. 

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