Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Get your crawl on

Hello, my name is George.  I have been an exceptionally sweet, loving and good-natured baby.  Even though I have had a chronic rash since the beginning of December and have been itching like there is no tomorrow, I have maintained a charming disposition.

However, I have grown tired of being complacent and am ready to m-o-v-e! I can barely contain myself!  Plus, if anything (e.g., naps, eating or baths),  restricts my agenda, I get cranky.  As it turns out, I have a bit of a temper.

When I am not crawling backward, I enjoy chewing on things. Mom tells people I get this crazy gleam in the eye, but I am careful not to reveal that to other witnesses.

Wait a minute; did she just photograph me? 

Gracie, Lauren, do y'all know how to delete images?

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