Sunday, February 19, 2012

Presidents' Day

We have a few books about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington so, as nerdy as it may seem, we have been excited about Presidents' Day. The girls know Washington was our first president, and they know about the cherry tree story (and that the story is not true). They know his likeness is on the dollar bill. As for Lincoln, they know he grew up in a log cabin, in modest circumstances, and that he led our country during very turbulent times. They know his image is on the penny and the five dollar bill. They have seen pictures of the Lincoln Memorial. We have talked about Lincoln's self-education and his work ethic.

When we mentioned that tomorrow is Presidents' Day, the day we celebrate the birthdays of Lincoln and Washington, recognition sparked in their eyes. Of course, having the day off from K4 gives the holiday a huge bounce, too.

As we were doing the night time routine, Lauren mentioned that she is excited about being home from school. I heard Gracie say something about presents...

"What, Gracie? What was that about presents?"
"I'm excited about presents!" she reiterated.
"Wait, Gracie, there are no presents on this holiday," I said.
"Right," Skip continued, "you received presents at Christmas and even one on Valentine's Day, but not for Presidents' Day."

I must have looked amused because after seeing my face, Gracie said, "Yes, we do!"

And, then I realized.

"Gracie, the holiday is Presidents' Day.  Not 'presents day,'" I told her.

This holiday just lost its allure.

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