Thursday, February 23, 2012

A note of thanks

This post marks the 1013th post on this site.  My intention was to posit a few thoughts/reflections at the 1000th mark, but the Instagram challenge made the posts accumulate faster than I had intended (and I apparently cannot count). 

Simply, thank you-THANK YOU-thank you to all of you for reading.  I love your comments, and your e-mails always make me smile.  This blog continues to be an avenue for us to document events with our children, and has replaced my workplace chitchat since excusing myself from the workforce two years ago.  Of course, that has had the unintended consequence of subjecting you to my banal, water cooler commentary.  I understand if you need to roll your eyes sometimes and say, in an exasperated voice, "Yeah, I get it... you really like Target." 

I completely understand.

Your patience and support are SO greatly appreciated, and I thank you again for perusing our site.

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