Monday, February 13, 2012

Weekend update

George had his return office visit with the allergist Friday morning.  The results were uneventful, as he was almost rash-free for the appointment, unlike last night when he was rash-palooza.  I have the reputation of being the penny pincher of the family, but Skip is actually as bad, if not worse.  After the staggering expenses following the last appointment, Skip was very vocal regarding the costs of all of the treatment and the fact that our coverage for said treatment has been non-existent.  Granted, we would gladly have paid for all of the treatment if any of the recommendations had been effective.  Thus far, we have seen limited results.  Due to Skip's "poor mouthing," we received coupons for the exorbitantly priced topical medication and a box of samples of another lotion. 

After the appointment, Friday was business as usual.  When I picked up Gracie and Lauren from school, Gracie was in full party mode, as one of her friends was celebrating her birthday by having a  party at school.  Gracie brought home  hats for Lauren and George, and they spent the afternoon trying to get George to wear his birthday hat.  (See above.)
My children are probably not going to like that photo when they are older, but that image encapsulates their interactions at this point. Gracie and Lauren are all about including George in every aspect of their play, even when George isn't sure inclusion is good idea. Before you feel sorry for George, he could barely contain himself this weekend when the girls were working on Valentine cards for school. He clearly gives the girls an opening by looking at them/their activities longingly, and they need little encouragement. 

Other than provoking George, the girls also went to have their portraits taken Saturday (more about that later), and then we celebrated my dad's birthday Sunday.  There were no birthday hats at that event, much to our chagrin. 

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