Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lost and Found

The Starbursts played again this past Saturday.  The girls had a fantastic time, but we had a pre-game crisis involving the clown fish socks, a critical part of their uniform.  The socks were missing, and no amount of searching could produce them.  Finally, we were shamefully reduced to wearing regular white socks to the game.  Fortunately, their "game" was not affected. 

Losing items is unacceptable to me.  Loss represents defeat, pure and simple.  Therefore, I raced about the house Saturday morning.  A quick Google search revealed that the socks could be easily replaced.  However, I remained confident that the socks would resurface over the course of the next week.  During my mental unhinging with the sock search, I had blocked out the fact that we were scheduled to have photos last night.  When we received a text reminding us of the photos, the sock defeat was new again.  I had no time to order replacement socks, obviously, and orange clown fish socks are not stocked in your average sporting goods store.  There was no alternative but to tear the house apart (again) to look for them.  I rechecked ALL sock drawers, even pausing to completely overhaul Gracie and Lauren's sock drawer.  Next, I removed every drawer from their chest, reorganizing the drawers and looking in the bottom of the cabinet for any errant items.  I checked every shelf, bin and bag.  I moved the dryer and checked behind both machines.  I checked the linen closets to make sure the socks had not been accidentally placed in those stacks. 

During this search mission, I recalled Annette Bening's role in American Beauty.  While I am not a Bening expert, I have seen a few of her movies and think her portrayal of Carolyn Burnham is clearly the pinnacle performance of her career.  Substitute "I will find those socks today" for "I will sell this house today," and you'll get a glimpse of how the sock search looked:

I finally found the socks under a stack of tutu's.  My sanity is still missing.

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