Friday, April 20, 2012

Playground Attire

When we had our first experiences with the public school system last year, I scanned the (preschool) dress code, and made some mental notes about acceptable clothing for school.  Shorts are required underneath dresses and skirts, an understandable stipulation.  However, they are really young, and the monkey bars/climbing apparatus are noticeably absent on the playground.  Therefore, we continued to wear dresses, sans shorts.  Most of the time we opt for capris leggings, but that measure is mostly for warmth.  Tights are another solution, but are not popular, comfort-wise, with the girls.  Also, tights do not hold up against the playground.  Since we have had some unseasonably warm weather this spring, we have been ditching the leggings.  Subsequently, Lauren does not want to wear dresses for fear that someone will see her underpants.  I told her about Monkeybar Buddies and asked her if she would reconsider her position if she had those on underneath her sundress. 

"You get me some monkey pants?" she asked. 

I saw an advertisement for Monkeybar Buddies several months ago, and I love them!  They have shorts ($16), leggings ($24) and capris ($24) options.  Since we would have double the expense, those are priced a little high for me.  As a substitute, I have discovered Garanimals (yes, really).  They have bicycle shorts that are a perfect alternative.  With prices ranging from $2.88 - $4.88, these shorts are definitely a suitable alternative.  Target also has a knock-off version, "Playground Pants," but I have not tried these to date.  Neither alternative is available online, and therefore, these shorts are elusive, availability subject to the whims of our stores' local management.  More than once, I have searched through a stack of poorly organized Garanimals looking for additional pairs of bicycle shorts.     

We only have a few weeks remaining of school, and Lauren is determined to leave with her dignity intact.  Therefore, the search for more options continues.

UPDATED:  I have now tried the Target version, and they are, hands down, the best.  Priced at $5.00, they are well worth the extra dollars.  (Sorry, Garanimals, I was pulling for you.)

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