Friday, May 11, 2012

85mm 1.4

Skip surprised me with an 85mm lens as a combination anniversary (May 6th) slash Mother's Day gift.  I had actually purchased a used zoom lens a week or two ago for practically nothing, but, when it arrived, I was alarmed to learn that it would only function as a manual lens for my camera (yikes!).  I have since figured out the do's/don't's with that lens, but for a day or two I contemplated a return.  In the meantime, Skip was performing some secret inquiry about the lens of my dreams -- the 85mm. 

After some more inquiry, we got a major tip from a friend of Skip's -- a hugely talented photographer (see his work here), and he turned us on to an affordable alternative for the 85mm (without having to trade one of the children for the lens), and it arrived yesterday.  To say that I was stalking the UPS man (or "PBS man," as the girls call him) would be an understatement. 

I will need some time to work with this lens, but I am super excited about it.  The above image was taken right after I attached the lens and has not been edited at all.  LOVE. 


Jack Bains` said...

Hugely talented???? I'm not so sure about that.

Hope you enjoy the 85mm f/1.4. I LOVE mine. Sounds like the zoom you got was a non "G" lens.

If you ever have any questions about any aspect of photography world shoot me an email.

The Lindsey Family said...

We are THRILLED with the lens and thank you so much for your recommendation. As Skip has been saying since this glorious lens made its arrival, "Jack just saved me $X!"

We really appreciate the information you have generously shared, and I may take you up on your kind offer with the occasional question or two. I am just beginning to figure some of this out.

Thanks again!