Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day in the Life

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In an effort to accurately recall our daily routines years from now, the 15th of each month is being documented for a day-in-the-life view of how we spend our days. 

This is a few days late making it to the blog, and I noticed that I missed April entirely.  Tuesdays are usually open, appoinment- and obligation-wise, and that means we tend to roll up our sleeves and get some actual work done.  Here's how May 15th went down:

5:45am:  Alarms sound.  Skip gets up, showers and heads to the airport for a 7:50 flight.  I give George his 6:00am bottle. 

6:30am:  Wake girls, get them dressed -- complete with flip flop debate.

Our preschool allowed flip flops, and, since two of Lauren's classmates wore them everysingleday/allthelivelong day, she wanted to wear them daily.  Now, I have nothing against the flip flop per se.  I own a few pair myself.  I think of the flip flop as an extremely casual shoe, one that I usually reserve for the pool or splash pad.  Personally, they are just plain uncomfortable to me, and I prefer a chunky sandal instead. The flip flop (again, this is just my opinion) is not a great shoe for recreational activities.  If you can run, jump and climb in flip flops, more power to you.  The empirical evidence at our house indicates that we have trouble doing those activities while wearing flip flops.  Although we have many, many pairs of many, many different types of shoes, Lauren argued about those flip flops constantly.  Since this won't be an issue next year (flip flops are against the dress code), I finally allowed her to wear them occasionally, and we had a big debate about footwear for the last month of school. 

Who has this kind of energy in the morning?

7:00am:  Breakfast, pack lunches and backpacks.   

7:30am - 8:30am:  Commute to/from school. 

8:30-9:30am:  Play time, make bottles, give George his 9am bottle and down for nap. 

9:30-11:30am:  Laundry x3, make phone calls, etc.

11:30-12:30pm:  Lunch.

11:50am:  Receive e-mail that a web seminar starts in 10 minutes.  I had this down for 1pm.  Oops.

11:50-12:05pm:  Get George changed and situated. 

12:05-1:00pm:  Attend Alt Design talk

1:00-2:00pm:  Play time with George.

2:00pm - 3:00pm:  Commute to/from school.  Watch graduation practice. 

3:00pm:  George's 3pm bottle and nap. 

3:30pm - 5:00pm:  Piano practice and play time with Gracie & Lauren.

5:00pm:  George awake.  Baths all around.  (We normally have baths, post-dinner, but sometimes when Skip is out of town I get c-razy and do them pre-dinner.

I realize this is riveting.)

6:00pm:  Dinner. 

7:00pm:  Bedtime routines.  George in bed by 7:30; Lauren/Gracie in bed by 7:50. 

8-9:00pm:  Remotely attend Alt Design talk.  (Bonus:  Time correctly logged!)

9:00 - 9:30pm:  Debrief/deconstruction with Skip.

9:30-10:00pm:  Edit photos. 

10:00pm:  George's 10pm bottle. 

11:00pm:  My bedtime. 

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