Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Boy of Leisure

A few people have asked how William George spends his time when his sisters are at school.  Before we get to that, you should know George absolutely lives for the school drop off and pick up.  We actually park the car and walk to two classrooms in the morning and afternoon.  Sometimes we have to track one or both girls down on the playground. That might not sound like much to you, but William George sees that foot time as a prime opportunity to socialize.  All of Gracie and Lauren's classmates know George well by now.  Gracie's classmates, especially, dote on George, play with him, talk with him, etc. Whenever we walk into Gracie's classroom, 10 children can be heard exclaiming, "GEORGE!" One little guy, Carter, has especially taken an interest in George, and he just loves it!  He leans for Carter and tries to touch his face (ok, he may try to eye-gouge, but I intervene). Yesterday, George pinched Carter's cheek, and I weakly explained that gesture means George likes him. On Saturdays and Sundays, George is noticeably cranky during the timeframe of our school runs.   We spend two hours per day (10 per week, if you're counting) making the trek to and from school so his buy-in is important.  He simply loves it!

Lauren's friends are interested, too, but her teachers intercept George and play with him.  Lauren will read this one day and want to know why her friends didn't play with George.  ("Why my friends not play with George???")  Lauren, your teachers jokingly fight over George, although your friends do say hello and are very curious. 

I say all of that to underscore that everything else in his day pales in comparison.  We usually have errands, but he always seems perplexed that he is no longer surrounded by children.  At least for now, George loves a crowd, and it doesn't hurt when the crowd is doting on him. 

After errands, he takes a morning nap, while I shower, clean, do laundry and manage anything/everything else.  After his nap, he plays, crawls through the house, and we work on various tasks.  He learned to clap this week, meaning his favorite play activity this week is pat-a-cake, which we have done several hundred times.  We have also been working on cruising, doing squats (I should be doing these exercises, too, come to think of it.), and working on taking some assisted steps.  This time is George's one-on-one time. 

As Lauren and Gracie would say, William George just "chills out" the rest of the time and waits patiently for the afternoon pick up.


Elenie Counts said...

Hey girl! I found your blog through Kelly's Korner linkup. I am from Birmingham also. I am loving meeting all these other Alabama girls! Y'all have a great weekend :)

Allyson said...

Stopping by from Kelly's Korner. I am another Bham girl. Your kiddos are precious!