Monday, September 17, 2012

Enumerated Update

How was your weekend?  Ours was laid back and restful.

Here's where we are:

1) School:  We have resolved our school situation viz the student to teacher ratio.  The solution is a compromised agreement, creating a situation where we have one certified teacher per ten students.  We are happy with the result, optimistic that the classroom will be successful, and are excited about the rest of the year. 

2) Screen Brightness:  I have been squinting a lot lately to see my phone during the day and especially outside.  Finally I recalled that I dimmed the screen significantly during a radical battery-saving settings rampage.  I may have to update my contacts prescription, but my battery has been performing at unprecedented levels. 

3) Passion:  Last week I read Karen Walrond's take on passion.  In summary:  "In my case, passion is more about being compelled to do something...  It's knowing that I could probably stop at any time, and yet I just can't. For me, it's often preceded by a sudden impulse, followed by an involuntary, dogged, almost robot-like pursuit."  Yes.  That sums it up nicely.  (Read the entire post here.)

4) Moving:  My neighbor saw me spit.  I apply insect repellent to the girls each morning before school.  Without a hefty dose of repellent, they are covered in insect bites after being on the playground.  This application occurs on the front porch, and I had an aerosol can last week, meaning that the fog of repellent blew all over me.  Long story short, I inhaled OFF! and could taste the spray in my mouth.  Reflexively, I spit it out, and, when I raised my head, I saw our nice neighbor from across the street walking his dog.  He has grown children and is probably removed from the day-to-day logistics of having small children.  To him, I am merely someone who spits off the front porch.  I have thought about my options, and they seem limited to a) pretending it never happened and b) moving. 

5)  Articles and reviews of the new fall shows keep puncturing my television-free existence.  Some of these articles have me thinking that I have not watched any type of regular television since 2004 -- almost a decade!  I am completely non-conversant with the Bachelor franchise, and I have totally missed the most popular shows over the last 10 years.  For example, I never saw Lost, Friday Night Lights, etc.  To break it down, it's as if I haven't watched television since the Friends' finale in 2004.

Since I have been in a television fog, I have a few questions. 

     A)  What is Duck Dynasty?
     B)  Is there really a show called Swamp People?
     C)  What is Hoggers?
     D)  Who/what is a Honey BooBoo Child?

Disclaimer:  I will occasionally watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, and I also watched the Rachel Zoe Project last winter during illness. 

6) To the Mom Who Can't Stop Following Her Child Around the Playground:  Hilarious.   

That basically sums up our current status.  What is happening with you?

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