Thursday, September 27, 2012

Global Day of Prayer

The girls' school participated in the Global Day of Prayer yesterday.  They met by the flagpole at 7:30am, and two teachers led the gathered students in prayer and a couple of songs.  Importantly, we discussed the importance of living in a country where we are free to gather to pray.  The event was lovely. 

We added a little fun to the mix because I mistakenly thought William George would be able to be still long enough for the 10 minute event.  Not so.  He insisted on being put down on the sidewalk, where he proceeded to run from student to student laughing.  He meandered through the crowd during prayers and almost charged one of the faculty members while he was praying.  After crashing and disturbing the event, they are probably adding a silent prayer that the Lindseys move before William George enrolls in Kindergarten. 

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