Monday, June 3, 2013

Enumerated Update

Hello, Friends!  How is your week so far?

Ours is great, and here's where we are on this fine day.

1) Beach: We went to the beach last week, and we're all giving the vacation a five star rating.  Good times, good fun, unbelievably good weather and all that.  Updates soon.

2) Vacay: Sorry about the lack of notice on posting, but it just cannot be smart to announce vacation plans on your Internet-type platform.  Of course, all of our friends and even anyone who has read a single entry or two will clearly know the only thing to score at our house is near-obsolete technological devices, books, and Target clothing.  But you never know.  A crazy stranger could read a simple vacation announcement and be hugely interested the original iPhone (cracked screen, no less) and the entirety of the Target collaboration line, as well as the entire Merona collection.

Actually, looking back over that list.  I could probably announce when we will be out of town and insert a map to our home and be completely safe.  I mean, you cannot even watch cable television here!  HA!

3) Guilt: I haven't worked in a couple of years, but I still have tremendous guilt if I do not return a phone call quickly enough, miss an e-mail or spring vacation on someone unexpectedly.

4) Buzz: Speaking of work, I have a few abbreviations in lieu of actual buzz words.

a) BAU = business as usual
b) AOB = any other business
c) OOM = order of magnitude

Example e-mail transmission:

To: Jane Smith
From: Cathi Lindsey

Re: Status Update


I wanted to touch base with you on the XYZ Project.  My team is preparing a synopsis of our research to date, and I wanted to see how things are going on your side of things.  We had a few hurdles with the logistics of merging, but now we are operating BAU.

If you could, please confirm that your report will be available by EOW [end of week].  Otherwise, let me know of any problems by OOM as soon as possible.



I probably owe all of you an apology for indulging my inner nerd in this way.

5) Surprise: While typing the above, Skip popped upstairs on a brief break.  Earlier today he took his computer to one of the corporate offices to have something or the other done to his computer.  Since he was in close proximity to the Apple store, he stopped by for a new - and very much needed - iPhone and iPad case.

So he comes in the room in a rush, a blur really, and tells me to close my eyes.  Thinking he is merely coordinating a big reveal of the aforementioned cases, I casually closed my eyes.  To my surprise, a white box was placed on my desk containing Apple tv!  Ahhh... those white boxes!  LOVE!

I know I have quoted the Jobs' biography endlessly, but I have to share (or reiterate?) a tidbit about the packaging.  In the early 1980's, when Jobs was working on the Mcintosh, he had 50+ prototypes of the packaging -- the box! -- made because he was not satisfied with the look and feel of the finished product as it would sit on the shelf.  Also, he walked around with various cables and cords in his pockets because if he didn't like the "feel," he would keep working until it performed/looked/felt perfect.

Anyrate.  That's what's happening with us.  What's going on with you?

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