Lauren and Grace |
For the last two weeks, the duo have been going to the pool every day for swimming lessons. William George attended the first day and proceeded to throw a series of temper tantrums unlike anything seen to date. George is in that phase where he cries to get in the water (which we did) and then immediately cries to get out of the water (which we also did). Unfortunately, he then wants to cycle in/out of that sequence repeatedly. Since I am not a big fan of the public hysteria, we decided to curtail the pool, and then George decided to throw himself down on the concrete several times. A very kind lady who had just completed water aerobics walked over (and that alone is huge because, for all of the "enjoy
every minute" talks you get from people, no one will come within three feet of you if you are having issues with your children in public) to ask me if I knew where the baby pool was. That was helpful because a) I didn't know and b) that led us to the playground where we at least had a few moments of George not threatening to strike his head against the hot concrete.
The Class |
Anyrate. All of that to say that William George's attendance was short-lived, and the duo and I attended lessons alone while George spent some quality time with Skip's parents. On a related note, his behavior at the pool does not bode well for his swimming lessons next month.
Lauren, George and Grace |
Anonymous classmate, Grace and Lauren |
The duo, on the other hand, had a blast. After warming up at the beach and at camp, they were receptive to learning more of the technical aspects of swimming, i.e., how to breathe, etc.
Grace |
Gracie, with her long legs, had the most powerful kicks in the class. Lauren compensated by listening intently and following all instructions to the letter. Our little rule follower even declined to get in the whirlpool after reading that children six and under are not allowed. Even after I coaxed her a little, pointing out she's just three months away from being seven and has been in hot tubs many times, she still said, "No! The sign says six and under not allowed!" (She acquired that admirable trait from her father.)
The class
Grace |
We will probably take another class later in the summer, but we want to spend a few weeks letting them practice what they have learned so far and to have some recreation time.
Grace and Lauren |
Check out their form:
Swim Lessons from
Cathi Lindsey on
We'll be contacting
Bob Bowman for coaching soon. :)
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