Friday, May 15, 2015

Enumerated Update

Happy Friday, friends!

1) On life: I love these thoughts from Anne Lamottt.  

2) Ear Worms: How to get rid of them

3) Beach Tips: Headed to the beach this summer? If so, brush up on your beach tips before hitting the sand. 

4) Books: Speaking of trips, we noticed a significant increase in the number of books - actual books - we saw while traveling over spring break and to Phoenix. Although I held onto my books for as long as possible, I'm not sure I can go back, having finally made the transition to digital, but I like seeing a reader peeking from behind a book cover. Do you think they are making a comeback

5) Mad Men: The season finale airs Sunday, and we are eagerly awaiting the conclusion. Here is the last promo, and here are some of the show's top feminist moments.  Not a fan?  I've got you covered here

Have a wonderful weekend!

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