Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekend Update and Mother's Day 2015

Hello and welcome to Monday, friends.

Our weekend started with a much needed date night with some friends. We had a good meal, great conversation and maybe a drink or two. This was especially helpful in providing the calm before the storm, i.e., the dance recital scheduled for Saturday.  An update on the recital and the jillion photos that accompany said update is forthcoming. After a lengthy day of dance activities, we went out to eat to celebrate the recital, as well as Mother's Day, with our moms, along with Skip's dad, Auntie Melinda and Lexie.

Again, the dance update is in the works, but here's a little spoiler. Like everyone, we have a somewhat full schedule of activities, and yet the duo are constantly asking to do more. Since we only allow dance (year-round) and one additional activity per season, we have to say "no" to many other things, making them occasionally question the year-long commitment to ballet. Well, there is nothing like sequins, costume changes, make-up, the big stage and spotlights to make them reaffirm their love of dance. They are a definite "yes" for next year and are doing their traditional post-recital bemoaning of the limited nature of one performance per year.

My request for Mother's Day was a day of total rest. We had breakfast in bed while watching "Hey Jessie," and although not my choice of viewing, the company and snuggles from the trio more than made up for the less than stellar show. While Skip washed both cars, I edited photos, and then we had a quick lunch, followed by an equally quiet afternoon consisting of reading and listening to music  while the trio played in the basement. They surprised us by calling us down to show us their new trick of riding their new bikes. In our characteristically pragmatic manner, we had been waiting for the right time and the right place to get them on their new, larger (and training wheel-free) bikes, when they finally climbed onto their bikes Sunday and taught themselves how to ride them in the basement in about twenty minutes flat. Overthinking: 0; spontaneity, 1.

Currently, I am avoiding social media of all forms so as not to have any type of Mad Men spoilers come my way.  Are you watching? Last week's episode was definitely way up there in the television offerings of all time, and I cannot wait to watch tonight. The contrast last week between Joan and Peggy's treatment at the new firm was brilliant. Sad, but brilliant in the way only Weiner can write.

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