Sunday, January 31, 2016

2015 Lindsey Family Slideshow

On this last day of January 2016, I am making a "Hail Mary pass" on the 2015 slide show. I can be late, but I draw the line at posting the 2015 recap in February.  

Here is my excuse. By mid-December, I had the slide show 90% complete. I had chosen photos, selected the music, and I just needed to add the final Christmas photos. And it was cute. Catchy, upbeat, fast... I was happy with the outcome. After the first of the year, I added the remaining photos, and it was complete.

But then I had trouble with Vimeo and YouTube... long story short, the peppy little slide pattern I had chosen wasn't compatible with their platforms. After a few weeks of troubleshooting and various tutorials, I scrapped it and went back to the original. As for the music, I needed a longer song. The trio have had a vintage favorite this past year, and therefore, it seemed like the obvious choice.

 After some delay and some esoteric detail that you did not need, here is a capsule of 2015, and may your 2016 be filled with love and light:

  The Lindsey Family 2015 from Cathi Lindsey on Vimeo.

PS: Remember 20142013, and 2012?

Music: "Sowing the Seeds of Love" by Tears For Fears

Photos: All photos by Cathi Lindsey, with the exception of a couple by Skip Lindsey and some random - yet friendly - strangers. 

Equipment/Tools: Nikon D5000; Sigma 85mm/1.4; Nikon 50mm/1.4; Sigma 24-70mm/2.8; Photoshop Elements 12; iPhoto; iMovie

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