Our Christmas updates are tardy, even by our relaxed standards. By way of explanation, I mentioned the extended school break and Lauren's illness, but we also had some technical difficulties as well. Although nothing serious, I haven't had a lot of extra time to sit down at my desk and troubleshoot.
(Why, oh why, is Apple phasing out iPhoto? Bygones.)
In the days leading up to Christmas, we had so much fun at home. The trio made Christmas ornaments, and we made candy. We also made some homemade cinnamon rolls and shared them with our neighbors.
On Christmas Eve, we went to my mom's for lunch, where we saw my brothers and their families. The trio were also given a sleigh's worth of presents, and they have enjoyed playing with everything. (Many thanks, again!)
After having a wonderful lunch, we came home and made a gingerbread house. The trio had fun decorating it themselves, and we left it out for Santa to snack on, should he get hungry while distributing presents. We also have a rotating schedule on the milk we leave out for Santa, and this year it was chocolate milk.
William George's 4K class made special, magical reindeer food, and we left that out for the reindeer. After that, we were all set for Santa's arrival.
Santa has a strict rule about only stopping at our house if everyone is in bed and asleep. Therefore, the trio were in bed very early, and when my mom arrived later to spend the night and Christmas Day with us, they were frantic about her getting into bed quickly.
"Hurry, Grammie!"
"You can't get back up, Grammie!"
"No talking, George and Grammie!"
After a quick reading of The Night Before Christmas, everyone was tucked in for the night.
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