Thursday, January 21, 2016

Birthday Week

Having a birthday two days after Christmas is often thought of as less than ideal, but in our family we find it the perfect antidote to any lingering after-Christmas blues. Naturally, we celebrate birthdays all week, and I try to claim "birthday month" from December 27th - January 27th. The trio usually kibosh my celebration by January 6th, which is Sally's (Skip's mom) birthday.

"It's not your birthday anymore! It's Gran's!"

On the 26th, my mom treated us to a birthday lunch at one of my favorite indulgences - J. Alexander's. Yes, it's a chain, but the fries are one of the guiltiest pleasures on earth. As the smiles below indicate, we had fries all around, followed by an equally decadent ice cream treat.

We spent the 27th packing, but we wrapped everything up in time to have our usual birthday dinner in the dining room. Skip prepared delicious filet, and we devoured our entree and tempted our insulin levels with a delicious chocolate cake.

I had a fabulous birthday and am immensely grateful to/for the five people who made it so wonderful. They are awesome, and there is nowhere in the world I would rather be than sitting down to dinner with their smiling faces.  

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