It occurred to my recently that I never pressed "publish" on Lauren's Washington, DC report. Per usual, she wrote up a vacation report, and this time she presented it to her class at school. She gave her permission for it to be published here as well.
At an apartment on Mass Ave |
Hi guys! Today me and my family were on the rode and we are driving to Washington D.C! When we got there we figured out our parking space, unpacked, and ate dinner. We went to bed and had a good night sleep.
Today is Tuesday and me and my family saw a lot of things! Well we saw the White House, The Lincoln Memorial the J Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, the capitol, and the mall. Also today is my mom's bday so we are going to go out to eat! Well we went to the Cheese Cake Factory and I had a cheese pizza and some strawberries for dessert. We went hotel and got in bed.
The Lincoln Memorial |
Playing by the Washington Monument |
Washington Monument, with the White House in the background |
Celebrating a birthday on the road |
Today is Wednesday so me and my family went to a space museum and we saw lots of vehicles that were took to Mars and the moon. Also we saw one of Amelia Earhart's planes! We went to lunch and then we went to see the White house and then we went back to the hotel and played foosball for a little bit. After that we went to eat at a place called Shake Shack. FYI they had really good cheeseburgers! Then we headed back to the hotel and got in bed.
Shake Shack... BEST EVER |
Today is Thursday and in the morning took showers. P.S. Gracie was singing in the shower! Next we had lunch at a place called Corner Bakery Cafe. (It's basically like Subway) Then we went to a museum about fossils. That was super cool! Then we went to a museum with the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution! That was super duper cool! Next we ate dinner which was some chicken, mashed potatoes and 2 cookies. That was yummy in my tummy! Then I went to bed.
At a park next to the Archives |
Today is Friday and this morning we had a little bit of sleet! Also we had a big breakfast with bacon and cinnamon rolls. The bacon was my favorite! Then we went to a plane museum and I saw a lot of of planes and rockets! BTW the Air France was my favorite! We also saw the Discovery and guess what... it went on 39 missions! Next we went to our cousins house, ate pizza and had fun.
Posing with the Air France |
Today is Saturday and we drove to my Uncle Bill's house to visit my family and cousins again. We ate subs for lunch and then watched the game Alabama v.s Washington. We had hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner and went to bed.
Today is Sunday and me and my family went to explore Williamsburg. We got back in time for lunch which had BBQ, chicken, hotdogs and french fries. Then we went to a place called Busch Gardens with rides and animals to look at. We said goodbye to our cousins because they were leaving after Busch Gardens and then my Uncle Bill suggested that we pick up some pizza for dinner. We ate, said goodnight to Uncle Bill and Aunt Kathy, and went to bed.
Williamsburg, VA |
Today is Monday the day we are heading home. So we got up, got dressed, and ate breakfast. We said goodbye to my Uncle Bill and Aunt Kathy and then headed for the road.
Visiting Busch Gardens with family - the best! |
The End
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